April 1, 2016

How Janet Kafadar has Restructured Her Business For Growth With The Help of a Virtual Assistant

Let’s dive in and learn how Janet Kafadar was able to focus on other parts of her business with the help of a Virtual Assistant.

Q: Tell Us A Bit About Your Business And Your Grand Vision?

A: I have a coaching and mentoring business and I help established coaches and wellness professionals create online courses that allow them to deliver their message to the masses and grow their business.

I’m on a mission to work with as many women as possible and show them how to create transformational online courses and programs that change lives – period!

help of a virtual assistant
help of a virtual assistant

Q: What made you decide to get a virtual assistant?

A: When I decided to hire an assistant my business looked a little different than it does now.

I was offering Done For You Course creations services and I had an influx of clients within a short space of time and I needed some help to keep my business running while I was working on my clients projects.

help of a virtual assistant

Q: How has getting a good virtual assistant helped you to accelerate your vision for your business?

A: Getting an assistant has really allowed me to focus on the vision for my business and where I want to take it. Prior to hiring an assistant I was so bogged down in my clients projects and getting them finished that I couldn’t see how I was going to take my business forward.

help of a virtual assistant

Q: What is one specific area or project your VA has worked on with you to get results in your business?

A: People always said that hiring an assistant will free you up so that you can focus on other parts of your business and I never really believed it until I found an assistant that was the right fit for me and my business.

Q: How has life changed for you since getting a VA?

A: Since having my current assistant I have restructured my business and no longer offer Done For You Services and offer Mentoring and Coaching as a premium package and i’m now about to launch my first online course.

Q: What would you say to others who are thinking about getting a VA but too nervous or overwhelmed to pull the trigger?

A: Without my assistant and the fantastic support of the The Virtual Hub team I wouldn’t be where I am now. My business is now experiencing steady growth and i’m no longer in that feast or famine.

help of a virtual assistant

Q: If people want to know more about your business or connect with you what’s the best way?

A: If creating your online course is on your to do list for this quarter then there’s no better time than NOW to enroll on CREATE YOUR ONLINE COURSE BOOTCAMP.

For more information about how virtual assistants can help you grow your business, make sure to read The Virtual Hub’s Ultimate Guide to Virtual Assistants. This guide walks you through everything that you need to know about what virtual assistants are and how they operate plus gives you the inside scoop of the most effective ways on how you can hire a virtual assistant, how you can manage one, and many more.


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