Barbara Turley the founder & CEO of The Virtual Hub, a business she started by accident that quickly exploded to become one of the leading companies that provide virtual assistants in the digital marketing space to businesses who need to free up time so they can scale. Tune in as Barbara shares how to confidently and successfully use VA’s to scale your business.
Key Points in the Conversation with Entrepreurs On Fire (EOFire):
- Why people fail with Virtual Assistants, losing money, time, and energy.
- How can entrepreneurs set their selves up for success before hiring a virtual assistant
- What tasks to delegate that works out well
- How to minimize mistakes
- Onboarding process to get success with VA and allowing a 3-month transition
- Creating recurring tasks lists and projects lists
- What needs to be done within the first week of having the VA
- How to give constructive feedback
- How to get from one virtual assistant to one whole team without overwhelming the business in general
- How to let your team run the business while maintaining control
- Documenting processes
- Making sure you’re always on the conductor role and taking one step at a time
- How The Virtual Hub started accidentally