November 10, 2016

How Giumelli Group Changes How People Invest in Real Estate with a VA

Trent Giumelli, CEO of Giumelli Group, is a highly driven, passionate, honest, dedicated, loving, optimistic person who thrives on teaching others the secrets of Real Estate through 18+ years of experience in property investing and development.

Q: Tell Us A Bit About Your Business and Your Grand Vision?

A: Real Estate Development company revolutionising the way people invest in property.

giumelli group
giumelli group

Q: What made you decide to get a virtual assistant?

A: Matt Malouf and i needed someone with Andrew’s talent.

Q: How has getting a good virtual assistant helped you to accelerate your vision for your business?

A: We couldn’t afford not to have him.

Q: What is one specific area or project your VA has worked on with you to get results in your business?

A: Social media, video editing, document storage, stock control among other things.

Q: How has life changed for you since getting a VA?

A: Gotten busier but far more efficient.

Q: What would you say to others who are thinking about getting a VA but too nervous or overwhelmed to pull the trigger?

A: Just do it. Don’t hesitate take the plunge you won’t be disappointed.

giumelli group

Q: If people want to know more about your business or connect with you what’s the best way?

A: Giumelli Group:

Giumelli Group Phone Number: 1-800-69-9325

Giumelli Group Facebook:

Learn more about virtual assistants in our Ultimate Guide to Virtual Assistants that answers all your burning questions like how you can hire a virtual assistant and how you can manage a virtual assistant effectively. This guide walks you through all the ins and outs of having a virtual assistant and gives you every detail that you need.


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