July 5, 2016

How Donna Wild Empowers Women With the Help of Her Virtual Assistant

Donna Wild stands for empowering women and children globally to embrace a plant-based diet. An author, a current Australian Latin dance cup champion and a mother. She runs a website called Wild Donna where she supports mums and their families to thrive on a plant based diet.

donna wild

Q: Tell Us A Bit About Your Business and Your Grand Vision?

A: I stand for empowering women and children globally to embrace a plant-based diet to eat in accordance with nature, to know what they eat and to love what they eat- every day. To live in bodies that thrive, with hearts that dance and a footprint that will make the world a better place simply by their existing.

I am an author, a current Australian Latin dance cup champion and a mother. I run a website called Wild Donna where I support Mums and their families to thrive on a plant based diet. I have been vegetarian for 24 years, vegan for 14 years and plant based for 8 years... I take the confusion out of eating so that you can live with a body that you love and raise children that have a positive and healthy approach to food.

Q: What made you decide to get a virtual assistant?

A: I decided to get a virtual assistant in the first place because I simply needed more help, I knew I couldn't get my business and lifestyle where I wanted them to be if I was doing this all on my own.

I found The Virtual Hub through my business coach.

donna wild

Q: How has getting a good virtual assistant helped you to accelerate your vision for your business?

A: I love working with my virtual assistant! She is an absolute delight. She is smart, personable, reliable, punctual and forgiving. My business would not be where it is today if I never sought a VA. That's 100% certain. Her strengths are my weaknesses.

I have grown to be a better manager and leader (much thanks to The Virtual Hub for their constant support and education!) and I am about to take on a second VA which will take my business to a whole new level again.

My first VA helped me get here. A VA is vital. Life is busy enough. I'd encourage any woman with a dream to get a VA to support her in making that dream a reality. This is what my VA does for me. I am living my dreams.

donna wild

Q: What is one specific area or project your VA has worked on with you to get results in your business?

A: My VA has over recent weeks developed free offers for my customers in order for my business to be able to better reach my potential clients and to entice them to come on a journey with me. Here is one of them.. It is a free recipe ebook that has videos and written recipes.

Q: How has life changed for you since getting a VA?

A: Completely! I went from having a nanny and working away by myself in my home office wishing I was getting further with my business and longing for more time with my daughter. I decided to get a VA instead of a nanny as that is what my finances allowed and now as a result my business is doing so much better and so is my relationship with my daughter, her development and both our happiness. I actually say to people "Get a VA, it will change your life."

donna wild

Q: What would you say to others who are thinking about getting a VA but too nervous or overwhelmed to pull the trigger?

A: Do it! Get a VA and get a VA with The Virtual Hub. I previously had an amazing VA for 1.5 years who I found elsewhere but I didn't have the tools or the support to fully reap the benefits of that working relationship in the way that I do with The Virtual Hub.

If you're interested in learning more about virtual assistants and how they operate, make sure to read our Ultimate Guide to Virtual Assistants.This guide has been meticulously crafted to be able to answer all your burning questions about virtual assistants like how you can hire one, how you can manage one effective, and what they could to help you and your business grow.


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