November 9, 2019

Like A Boss – Top 3 Crucial Steps to Do to Work with an Overseas VA

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When you are a business owner, you are consistently looking at 1) your marketing 2) your systems 3) costs.
In comes overseas Virtual Assistants or Online Business Managers.

HOWEVER, if you do not have your business systems and SOP set up, you are going to crash and burn!

Here comes our savior, Barbara Turley, she is a master at systems, structures and helping entrepreneurs outsource their life (and business).

Barbara is an investor, entrepreneur and Founder & CEO of The Virtual Hub – a business she started by accident that exploded in the space of 12 months to become one of the leading companies that recruits, trains and manages virtual assistants in the digital marketing and social media space for businesses who need to free up time and energy so they can go to the next level. Barbara is also Mum to her gorgeous daughter Ruby, wife to her best friend Eti and an adventure lover with a passion for horses, skiing, tennis and timeout in nature.

Key Points in the Conversation with Like A Boss with Heather Havenwood:
  • How Barbara founded The Virtual Hub by accident when she was still in investment banking, how it began when she was running the website Energise Wealth, and how she discovered that entrepreneurs could benefit from hiring virtual staff
  • The difference between hiring VAs from freelance websites and The Virtual Hub
  • Identifying the problems that arise when clients work with VAs and vice versa
  • How you can get success with a VA with processes and systems in your business
  • Heather’s bad past experience with a VA and how she managed it with the agency she hired the VA from
  • How The Virtual Hub hires for character and not skills and how it has contributed to success
  • Understanding the culture of Filipino VAs
  • Establishing a local entity in the Philippines for The Virtual Hub to protect the company and the employees
  • The crucial steps in hiring a VA: identifying the tasks you have in the business and knowing what to delegate to the VA, process-mapping your business, and communicating right with your VA
  • The top things that business owners and entrepreneurs should outsource to a VA
  • Price structure of hiring a VA from The Virtual Hub, the different levels of VA available
  • The tasks that The Virtual Hub’s different levels of VA can do
  • Using CRM software like Infusionsoft, Active Campaign, Mailchimp, Click Funnels, and Ontraport

Ready to Scale Your Business?

Outsourcing Masterclass: How to Delegate & Scale Successfully